Not being able to get your message across due to a language barrier can really make you feel handicapped, signifying the importance of getting the right translation service.
Just imagine getting on a business meeting with someone who is from another country where they don’t speak English well. You’d wish you had better command in their language in that situation.
Not that it’s impossible to learn another language. But it takes time — something that many of us don’t have. That’s where a translator comes in!
In this article, we’ll briefly discuss the importance of getting the quality and right translation service, and also how this can help businesses.
The World Is Only Becoming More International
There’s no stopping the inevitable shift in the market. In fact, the world is in acceleration mode towards being more international with the power of social media and the internet.
This can be very rewarding for businesses as you’re able to extend your reach to people outside your country; people who speak in an entirely different language.
Having a translator to help you translate important business identity, branding, marketing, and more can be a game-changer. How the words are perceived on the receiving end plays a crucial part.
For example, “happy” and “ecstatic” both have different intensities even though they have the same meaning.
Therefore, making sure that the intensity of the word is as accurate as possible and suitable for the situation in the translated language is key.
No Space For Mistakes In Legal Documents
Where business deals happen, legal documents would be involved as well.
When it comes to legal documents, Google Translate is definitely not the way to go. You’d want a professional legal services translator to handle it for you.
In this case, the right translator would have a good amount of experience working with legal documents. On top of that, he/she should have a good grasp of the industry that you’re in. Lastly, they must have great command in the languages that are involved, written.
Scaling Your eCommerce Business Across the Globe
If you notice, the rise in the number of eCommerce stores in the last year was exponential. The successful ones a.k.a. the ones you know of — most probably originated from another country.
They might have been from Russia where they speak Russian as their go-to language. But were smart enough to translate their ad campaigns and marketing messages to English when they’re targeting English-speaking countries.
Another example that’s closer to home: If you run a business in Singapore and want to target the Chinese-speaking community in Singapore, you’d need a professional marketing translator who can translate your message fluently and precisely in Chinese.

To Wrap Things Up: Importance of Right Translation Service
In summary, importance of translation services play a big role in growing and scaling your business. And it’s only going to get more important. Finding a translator that has the experience and the right skills for your specific needs is crucial.
Here at Translated Right, we pride ourselves on delivering the best quality to all our clients. And we do that by making sure you get the translator who is the best fit for your requirements.
Feel free to contact us today and find the translator and get your project Translated Right!